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Welcome to Episode 66 of the Marriage Doctor Podcast! This episode was produced on location at the Celebrate Your Marriage Conference, hosted by Jay and Laura Laffoon at Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. This week we’re sharing brief visits with a handful of couples that we “ambushed” (in a friendly way) to ask them about their journey as a couple.
You’ll hear quite a bit of activity and noise in the background as we left the peace and quiet of the studio and joined in the great fun of the conference. It was a great encouragement to talk with these couples and we hope you’ll enjoy hearing from real people with real stories, challenges, and hope for the days ahead.
Please listen and then SHARE the link to this podcast!
We want to hear from YOU with comments, questions, and suggestions! Please send us thoughts we can address them on the program. We won’t reveal your name at any point, so feel free to reach out via the links below!