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Ep. 40 is titled “What If I Don’t Trust My Spouse?” and tackles the serious topic of trust-building and setting boundaries. This is Part One of a theme we’ll be developing the next few weeks dealing with the vital issue of trust, how to grow it, how to repair it when broken, and much more.
We want to hear from YOU! Please send us your questions and comments so we can address them on the program. We won’t reveal your name at any point, so feel free to reach out via the links below!
GOFUNDME – for 1-time donation
PATREON – for monthly donations
The Marriage Doctor Podcast (TMD) is hosted by:
Terry Lodico, M.A., M. Div., NCC, LPC. Terry and his wife Sandy are licensed counselors/therapists, working together at Covenant Counseling in Midland, MI.
Bill Hobson, 35+ year broadcasting professional and 28-year imperfect husband.
Enjoy…be encouraged…and please share TMD with other couples you know!