Marriage Doctor Podcast 24 – Just For HIM: One Last Chance To Survive

The Marriage Doctor Podcast EPISODE 24 is titled “Just For Him: One Last Chance To Survive” and is directed at those couples who are literally at the end of their rope(s) and ready to divorce…but have a willingness to try one final, difficult step that reaches beyond counseling.

This week’s episode is especially designed for husbands. Episode 23 was for the wives but we decided to release both episodes at the same time so both partners can consider the instructions together.

We don’t take these issues lightly and pray that just one couple that is planning to call it quits will give these ideas a chance.

We’re thrilled to have you as part of this important “class for couples” as we continue on this journey toward healthier, happier, vibrant, intimate marriages.

We want to hear from YOU! Please send us your questions and comments so we can address them on the program. We won’t reveal your name at any point, so feel free to reach out via the links below!



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